Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Off to Ottawa

Somehow a 6:30AM flight didn't sound too bad until the morning arrived and I needed to haul myself out of bed TWO HOURS earlier than that!!  

But a Watchmen Gathering in Ottawa awaited so I arose with the sun and spurred myself on to get  to the airport with sweet Celia.

A lovelier traveling companion would be hard to find and I had to pinch myself that this was really happening.
Twice in one summer we were galavanting over mountains and streams to find where God was moving and to enter in.

Flying into Calgary was fun as the city was right below and at a perfect angle to photograph.

My hometown...where I was born and grew up and  where many of my very beloved people still live. 

We eventually arrived in Ottawa and took a taxi to our hotel.

...all the while feeling completely spoiled and amazed that this was actually happening! 

Our hotel was remarkably close to the parliament buildings and right across from the venue where the gathering was being held.
I wanted things to be as accessible and easy as possible because I had booked this trip knowing I was coming whether or not I found someone to accompany me! 

But Hallelujah - the Lord provided my dear friend Celia who was eager to join me in this adventure.

As we were settling in to our room I looked out and saw this remarkable sky so I convinced Celia that we needed to head outside and take a quick peek around before the sun set.

And boy, were we ever glad that we did! 

Much to our delight we were so close to endless amazing sights! 

Everything was within "walking & rolling" distance!

We decided to hoof it across the bridge so that we could say that we went to Quebec and then we came back to Ontario to enjoy the scenic view of our Parliament buildings over the river.  

We were spellbound as we watched the pastel colours paint the sky and the lights begin to twinkle and reflect on the water.

We kept feeling like we had flown to. Europe and were exclaiming with joy over the views we were so privileged to take in.

Endless gifts from our Magnanimous Creator.

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