Saturday, August 17, 2019

Loving my Community

Having family here to look after Mom gave me the opportunity to head out to a couple of events that I really wanted to support.

My good friend Patricia Goertsen heads up one of my favourite local charities and even though the team are super busy looking after the disadvantaged in our city that "fall between the cracks" with groceries, visits and cleaning - she extended the tent pegs and decided to create a mobile dental clinic for her clients and many others who aren't able to access affordable dental care.  

We had a city official, Luke Stack, and a number of others on hand to give speeches, congratulate and cut the ribbon to get the show on the road! 

Two of Patricia's daughters have both recently graduated as dental hygienists and they are excited to begin work in the mobile clinic. 
Raising money for an enterprise as big as this is no small task, but Patricia trusts in our AWESOME GOD who provided in amazing ways.

I was delighted that there was a wheelchair lift (of course there was!!) and I got to be the model and was excited to be able see the inside of the clinic.

Arianna and Alicia are just amazing young women! 
Here they are showing off some of the state of the art equipment that they will be using as they serve the clients around Kelowna.

I also had a chance to pop in on my friend Dawn and her daughter Amber and to have a cuddle with the latest batch of golden retriever puppies they are raising.
Dear Amber has been going through a terrible time of anxiety regarding a medical issue that she has struggled with for many years so we are praying that they will have success with a surgeon they found in New York.

Two days later I got to pop in at a volunteer appreciation lunch at a local thrift store that helps out the struggling ones in our community.  Asher was the DJ and he invited me to the party.

He was amazing as usual and he had a bunch of people up and dancing with the fun tunes he was cranking out. 
My friend Leanne was downtown so she joined me for lunch and a catch up visit.

Gotta make the time count when I have the opportunity to run around town!

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