Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Pinnacle

Sometimes you just have to pinch yourself to realize that you have actually reached a certain, momentous point in time that has been so far off in the distance for so very long.

This was one of those days.

Except it was my son, and not me who had reached the pinnacle!
I know I'm just the mom and I didn't suffer through the agonizing years of paper-writing, book reading, practicums, assignments etc. etc. etc. but I felt such a tremendous sense of excitement and relief on behalf of Daniel and his wife Nicole.
I've been quietly agonizing for them in the background and praying for this day to arrive and 

Six years ago Daniel began his climb to what he hoped would be a fulfilling and amazing career; that of an Occupational Therapist.
His many summers of working at the Easter Seals camps serving kids with disabilities (with all sorts of specialists working alongside to make their camp experience a full and wonderful one) was life changing for Daniel.  
As he watched, with fascination, the Occupational Therapists working with these kids, he discovered what would become his vocation.

Four years of study at the University here in Kelowna gave him his Psychology undergrad and two years at the University of British Columbia gave him his Masters in OT.

Nicole deserves some type of a degree for her amazing support and patience over the past 6 years. Her beautiful smile says it all! 
I'm so proud of these two.

So the rest of the cheering squad (minus Ron who had to work) showed up to watch the presentations, (Daniel and his partner Nichelle had spent the last year following up on a study being done on the efficacy of non-invasive procedures for intention related tremors in people with MS)
and to CELEBRATE! 

The sense of excitement was palpable and the faculty put on an amazing day of speeches and delicious food spreads for us to enjoy. 

The University grounds and the space we were gathered in were beautiful.

Above is a picture of Daniel with two of his closest buddies whom he worked with in class and during practicums.

It was fun to see the University and to get a peek into what has been Daniel's world for the past couple of years. 

He didn't order grad pics so I just snapped a picture for posterity. 
I have a feeling this will be the closest I will get to the actual grad ceremony which will be held in November after the students write their OT exams.  Thankfully they will be able to work in the interim to start earning some money to pay off the mountains of debt they have incurred to obtain their Masters! 

They handed out certificates so it felt like a graduation ceremony and it was such a celebratory afternoon!

Following the ceremony we all wound our way through the busy maze of downtown Vancouver to Daniel and Nicole's new basement rental suite where we enjoyed pizza and drinks with Leo who was eagerly waiting their company. 

So glad I don't live in Vancouver, but I"m thrilled that this place has provided opportunities for both Daniel and Nicole to further their education and that they didn't have to go across the country or to Edmonton for the OT program.

God in His great mercy is guiding my kids to fulfill their destinies and I am a mother full of prayers and hope and gratitude. 

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