Sunday, December 2, 2018

Dance of December

Crisp, cold air and colourful lights created an idyllic entrance to December and the Christmas Season!

I made sure to get a few decorations up for the First Advent, especially since Mom is staying here and she spends so much time in the living room.
I want things to feel cozy for her. 

I attended a Craft Fair scouting out gifts for our renters.  Instead of doing the normal "box store" run that is so simple and rather impersonal I thought I'd try to support our local economy and I found a good friend selling all sorts of goodies that I will purchase closer to the date. 
I also found some gifts for the kids and ran into all sorts of wonderful people!
Such a festive delightful atmosphere. 

I had purchased tickets some time ago to attend a local performance of Handel's Messiah.

It was magnificent and the performers were top notch.
It is such a moving piece of music and I was able to sit alone near the back giving me a really great view and the personal space to enjoy it.
Music is such a powerful force...  I found myself thinking of Dad and tearing up.
It actually felt good to finally be able to connect with some emotions and deep feelings about his passing.  
Such a gift to be there.

Afterwards Ollie and I drove to the airport to pick up Anita who flew down from Iqaluit for the holidays. 
Nice to have her back again. Mom also feels better when the house is full of people.  She kept asking about when Anita would be back and finally she is here!! 

Jennifer popped over to pick up something and we had such a nice visit together with Elsie and Anita.
Chai and cookies were served next to the little furry table ornament.
It was so fun to catch up with my old housemate and to laugh together again.

Anita, Elsie and I joined my friend Donna down near the lake for the lighting of the Menorah at the beginning of Chanukah. 
It was absolutely freezing, but I happily ate some traditional latkes and a jelly donut to celebrate the occasion while we waited for the Rabbi to make his speech and to get the Menorah lit.

We also hung around to witness the dropping of "Gelt" for the children from the top of the fire engine.
Entering into some Jewish cultural traditions here!

The kids had fun scrambling on the ground to get as much of the chocolate money as they could get their hands on!

Even Anita who is used to the Arctic weather was cold so that is saying something!

Somehow being downtown in the winter witnessing the skaters and the Christmas decor is very invigorating.

The lights are simply enchanting.

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