Saturday, March 17, 2018

Shadows and Lights

So often as I'm driving up our long hill I look out over the lake, marvelling at the shadows and lights, the hues of the lake and skies.
It's God's never finished, always changing painting.
His artwork so endlessly exquisite and breathtaking.

Again and again, I have to stop and look, 
wondering how to best capture the beauty and often disappointed at the inability of my camera to accurately reproduce what I am seeing.
But now as I look at the pictures I'm happy.
I'm not in the moment comparing reality to a photo - 
just grateful for that memory and the fact that I can revisit the grandeur.

Grateful that I live here in the midst of nature that I can access easily even though I am wheelchair bound.

And on the homefront our little gardener Jennifer has been diligently planting seeds.
She's on a huge learning curve having recently come from growing food in the Philippines where heat is a given and the little seeds sprout so easily.
Here it's hard work to get things growing ahead of the season so that they'll be ready to put in the greenhouse when our weather is warmer.
Especially this year!

I had a fun outing with Matthew after work on a Thursday.
It's a day that works well for both of us and it's always such a pleasure to spend time with my friend.

He was pretty excited about the Shamrock milkshake! 

I had another one of those days where a funeral coincides with a birthday.
My dear friend Dawn had to say farewell to her mom Velma - a long time friend and sister in Christ.
How difficult it is for those who are left behind.
Such longing and sadness.
It's been surreal for Dawn who has been faithfully serving and looking after her mom for the past ten years.
Velma conquered cancer so many times, but finally it was time for her to go home.
Released from her "earthly tent" and clothed in glory.

They released balloons into the incredibly blue sky after the service - a symbol of release and freedom.
Soon and very soon...

Lisa and I went up to Ollie's place to wish him a happy birthday and to have a little visit with him.
He was happy to be celebrated as none of his kids are in town this year on his special day.
Such a kind and gentle man.

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