Monday, March 26, 2018

My Portion and My Cup

Since it was still Spring Break and my daughter's birthday I thought it would be fun to head to the Coast for a couple of nights for some family time.
I stopped by A Rocha to drop off a little freezer I had brought along for Patrice and once again was smitten with the beauty of her home.
I believe she lives in the tallest section of the house in the foreground.
It's called the Coach House -apparently there were horses involved back in the day. Pretty impressive to have some historic properties like this in our rather young province.
Of course I can't navigate the stairs and there is no usable washroom for me on the property so I didn't stay too long.

In the evening we connected with Daniel and Nicole for a birthday dinner of delicious authentic Chinese food.
Unfortunately when I got out of the restaurant I accidentally wheeled backwards over a small step and hit my head and neck on a window which was alarming for all involved.
Thankfully neither my head nor the window was broken so we proceeded on to another venue for dessert.
I wasn't ready to let a little fall interfere with my time with the kids!

At church the following morning we had a really lovely Palm Sunday celebration and were invited to make little collages with pictures that were meaningful to us.
This was mine.
Pictures representing Canada and how I feel that my destiny is wrapped up in the Destiny of this nation.
I can't remember exactly how the collage was tied into the message, but it didn't really matter to me. I loved having a table full of crafts just waiting to be put together.
Children, elderly and everyone in between creating together before heading outside for the procession and communion.

The hotel I was staying at had an impressive atrium.
And it had an accessible washroom which was the important part for me.
The bed was a little too low for me to get off of by myself so that was a bit awkward.
Traveling...usually not easy, but often fun.

Joanna popped in for an afternoon visit before Patrice and I headed to the Queen Elizabeth Theatre for a dance performance.
Precious friend to both Patrice and I.

The ride from Surrey to the city was scenic and the city was a bustling metropolis.

There were some things about this visit that were very difficult, but this is how life tends to be.
The painful things are woven together with the beautiful and I always need to come back to the One place that is unchanging and true.
The place is the Person of Christ Jesus.
"Lord you alone are my my portion and my cup. 
You make my lot secure...

The boundary lines have fallen for me In pleasant places.
Surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me
Even at night my heart instructs me.
I will keep my eyes always on the Lord.
Because HE is at my right hand I will not be shaken"
Psalm 16

This is my constant.
This is my truth.
Though everything around me shakes and becomes disorienting He is my hiding place.
He never changes.
His Word endures.

Patrice & I had the privilege of celebrating two more birthdays on this celebratory weekend.
It was my dear friend Marcy's birthday as well as her daughter's so we met in Fort Langley for a lovely brunch and visit.
Marcy is also my son's mother-in-law so we are not only friends but now related through our children.

Nicole was at school so sadly she couldn't join us but the four of us had a fun "mother-daughter" meal and dessert.

We spent a fair bit of time discussing whether I should drive back to Kelowna that afternoon or not due to the unstable weather conditions.

This gave us time to develop an appetite for dessert which we happily consumed.
And then, finally, I decided that I would go home.
I was very eager for my familiar surroundings.
The bed and bathroom that work so well for me.
The drive home  was beautiful and I had such a sweet time of worship and prayer.
My back wasn't very happy due to the many hours of sitting before driving, but I made it.
Angels always around me.

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