Saturday, June 3, 2017

Tying the Knot

The wedding day dawned and since Daniel was Ryan's best man I got a sneak pre-view of his outfit. He also happens to be my best son =) 
Nicole was busy helping with the bride as she was also in the wedding party.

Here she is, bottom right, in her pretty green gown.

These gorgeous gals got gussied up and we headed up the hill to an exquisite viewpoint to witness the exchange of the sacred vows.

This must have been what convinced them to have their wedding in such a remote spot!
Absolutely stunning view. 

These guys - friends forever... preparing for the bride's arrival.
Ryan looks pretty much ready and eager! 

I'm glad God has given Daniel a "band of very good brothers".
They have all been together for a very long time. 

Nicole's hair was so pretty - she braided some of it into a crown and left the rest of it down. 

The sun came out and it was suddenly very hot!
I was somehow confused with the island air - I was either too cool or too hot, but thankfully it wasn't raining!! 

The ceremony was lovely and two of Daniel & Nicole's best friends became  
Mr. & Mrs...

It's always easy to find Daniel in the pictures! 
(signing of the registry)

The Gagnon family has expanded once again.
Sadly Matthew & Angela couldn't be at the wedding as the arrival of their second baby was imminent. (She had it two days later!)

I happened to be at the right place at the right time so I got some great pictures of the family.

Such a pretty spot to take pictures!

The reception also had a beautiful backdrop.

I was asked to say the prayer before the meal but there had been a very awkward speech given immediately before so it was a bit of a difficult transition.  
Even for me - who LOVES to pray! 
Kind of felt like we should all be on our faces asking for mercy, but anyways...I was glad when that was over. 

Beautiful evening glow on happy faces.

Daniel, James and Mark. 

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