Friday, June 2, 2017

Gone to Galiano

The wedding gala began with the gathering of the tribe at the ferry terminal.

So much fun finding friends in the ferry lineup and then congregating in small groups for visits and catch ups once we got on board. 

Patrice was familiar with Galiano Island as she has done working retreats here.  It is small and lush and it only took us about 25 minutes to drive to the wedding venue which is almost the entire way across the island. I was wishing the drive was along the edge of the ocean, but alas the road was obviously misplaced. 

We got settled into our cabin only to discover that I couldn't close the bathroom door once my wheelchair was in so with some modifications (removal of door and hanging of curtain) we made it slightly more accessible.  I say "slightly" because I still needed Patrice to get me off the toilet... The details really matter and accessible isn't always accessible.
But anyways, thankfully I was traveling with my dear daughter who has been trained up in the way and is just amazing.

The Gagnon's were in the cabin next door and there were puppies to play with and snakes to catch!  

There's always an adventure to be had when in the great outdoors! 
So, as much work as it was to get to the wedding venue, the connections with loved ones made it all worth while. 

I had a great view of the kitchen while resting on the bed and Patrice was up to her usual antics of creating something delicious for everyone to enjoy.
It calms and soothes me to see her work her magic with food.  

We had great cabin mates and it felt cozy being tucked into one place together.
We were the lucky ones that had sweet little Amani to play with and she LOVED all the attention and people to interact with.

I just fell in love. 
I'm thinking it would be really nice to have some grandkids, but I'm not in charge of that end of things so I'm grateful when I can borrow someone else's! 

Since we didn't know if we were invited to the rehersal dinner and we didn't want to be awkward by asking, we joined this fun crew for nice dinner out. 
(We found out later we WERE invited, but I didn't find the invitation until I got home...sigh)

We had a great meal and and a jolly good time.
These two lovelies have been friends since they were tiny and it's so special to see the connection continuing.

We took the scenic route and hit this lovely provincial park on our way back to the cabin.

The weather was perfect for a little wander in the woods and I was content to sit on the shore and watch the sunset.

These phone cameras make it super easy to get amazing shots - if I don't say so myself.   Ha!  

The filters give things a whole new look!

I was so very happy to get down to the ocean as it felt so far removed when we were up at the cabin surrounded by forest. 

Because, if you're on an island you may as well enjoy the big expanse of water surrounding your little piece of paradise...

Becca and Patrice were some of my models...

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