Saturday, April 15, 2017

Pretty Much the Best

Artwork by the Kids at School
The story is told in a myriad of ways
And never grows old.

Artwork by my daughter

Good Friday Service 
The cross is shrouded, but the story isn't over.
Which is pretty much the best news around.

Preparing for the Friday Feast while the big bird baketh...
Wrinkled tablecloth and mismatched napkins
Chocolate eggs and empty goblets await the cheerful crowd.

A birthday and an anniversary thrown into the mix,
blessed to be together to celebrate.

A fresh cool breezy Spring evening and a Pupcake to snuggle.

Blue skies and sunshine

 father and son time

A heart to heart on the trampoline.

Looks like an Amish invasion

Sunday's coming.
 Resurrection is imminent.
Where O Death is your sting?

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