Monday, April 24, 2017

Cool & Colorful

I have a lovely peacock feather on my dresser that was given to me by my sweet British friend Sue last year this time.  Sue picked it up on the property where Pride & Prejudice was filmed when we were visiting there last April.  It brings back such sweet memories.  
I can hardly believe the detail and exquisite beauty that makes up one single feather.
Speaks to me of God's infinitely wild and wonderful creativity and of the eyes and wings spoken of in Ezekiel.
The afternoon sun reflecting on this piece of artwork is indescribably gorgeous.
Iridescent rainbows and terrific textures...

This month has been cool and wet but that has created so much COLOR!  Life is springing up everywhere I look.

The earth is declaring the glory of God in living colour.

Vibrant green shoots, new leaves and fresh grass is covering the land and blossoms are bursting forth! 

It's always a season of celebration and there was a HUGE reason to go out with Daniel and Nicole to celebrate him writing his VERY LAST EXAM of his undergrad.

Ron met us at the restaurant and the four of us had a good time marvelling at the joy of a job well done and the sweet potential and promise of future adventures as Daniel prepares for his OT course in Vancouver this fall.  

His relief was palpable while Nicole is trying to adjust to the thought of leaving her well loved job and cozy little home for a time back at the coast. 
She's so amazing when it comes to putting down roots in new places though so I can't imagine that she'll be missing her job for too long!
I'm very relieved for Daniel and excited for him to realize his goal of becoming an occupational therapist.

There was a lovely birthday luncheon for my dear friend Dawn and I was so happy to be included in this rendezvous at the lakeside.
This precious one and I have known each other since our boys were tiny so there's lots of history under our belts and very many prayers have been prayed over the years.

More green landscapes and fabulous skyscapes color my world as I make my way up and down the hill.

And work looks like this.  Trying to complete the reading program with all these beautiful kids.  
The race to the finish line is on...

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