Monday, February 20, 2017

Latte Perfection

While at work this morning I was dreaming of coming home and having a latte.  I arrived late after purposely sleeping in a bit and I was feeling VERY sluggish as I worked with my students. It was pretty much slow-motion-commotion but the kids didn't seem to notice and I was very pleased with myself for managing four students in my lethargic state.

The thing is, I tried a new sleeping pill last night, plus I took something for a headache at six a.m., so there was definitely some interference to work through.  I was tempted to make a coffee in the staff room to perk myself up, but a lingering memory of the last latte that Patrice made for me convinced me that it was worth holding on till I got home.  And my restraint paid off.

Every sip of this drink was absolute perfection.  Not only did it look exquisite with the latte art and beautifully chosen mug, but it tasted heavenly. It was made with some rather expensive beans that I bought for Patrice at Christmas and the steamed milk was like liquid velvet.  Maybe I'm still under some drug induced euphoria, but I just want to say that my daughter is over-the-top amazing as a Barista.

This day was also made a whole lot better when I saw my shiny red CLEAN car waiting for me out in the parking lot.  This has been such a long winter resulting in a thick layer of gritty sand and dirt covering my vehicle.  Last night I finally attempted a car wash even though my wheelchair and lift were on the roof.  I have been hesitant to do this since I am nervous about wrecking the lift, but my need for cleanliness prevailed and after shoving a plastic bag into the opening of the lift we happily watched as the giant scrubbies and bubbles engulfed our filthy vehicle.  We shot out of there looking very shiny and red and feeling like a million bucks.  My wheelchair also looked a lot better as it had also collected a layer of dust from the winter months of exposure.

It's the little things.
Somehow they actually pack a pretty big punch in the scheme of life.

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