Friday, February 17, 2017

EinKorn Adventures

Patrice found a place that sells organic grain near Armstrong so we packed Oma and Tante Hilda in the backseat and zoomed off to enjoy the day together.

It was such a treat for me to have Patrice do the driving so that I could take in the scenery, snap pictures and enjoy the sweet company.

The day was perfect.
Blue skies and fluffy white clouds.
Pure bliss.

Unfortunately I couldn't get a clear picture of Oyama where the two lakes meet up.  I tried sticking the camera out of the window to get a good shot but the cold wind almost blew the camera out of my hand.
So this is the best I could do.
Such an amazing place we get to live!

The area around Armstrong is a farming community.  Big fields covered with snow, resting... waiting for the coming Spring.

We wove our way through the country roads until we came to this cute little place.

The destination was well worth the long drive and Patrice loaded up the trunk with bags of Red Fife and other grains.

I'm so amazed with where this "healing journey" has taken my dear daughter.
Learning about creation care and going back to the "ancient ways" of managing the earth and thereby obtaining food that is natural and healthy...

The cost is greater but well worth the investment.
I pray this movement will gain ever more momentum and that Christians will be the ones to spearhead these endeavours since we were initially commissioned by our Creator way back to look after this beautiful world. 

Tante Hilda and I were excited to find that they sold honey so we each came home with a big pail of yumminess.

And what a treat it is to get home again.

The puppies are full of welcome and love.
My bed awaits and my heart sings a happy song. 

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