Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I'm sad to report that I am once again dealing with a FULL startup disc on my laptop meaning I am unable to import any new pictures from my camera.
My laptop likes to remind me of this almost every time I turn it on.  (UPDATE: issues resolved and photos have been inserted to illustrate some of the story here.  For instance... check out the lovely snowy scenes above and below!)

Therefore I have a substantial backlog of photos and accompanying stories that are going to disappear from my own personal "story disc" if I don't deal with this soon.

Sorting out computer stuff is not my strength and it plays into my fear of losing data.  I have a huge hard drive that I think I have backed everything onto, but I'm not completely sure so I'm hesitant to permanently delete things.

This also highlights my procrastination issues.
I sometimes wonder if this is because doing stuff is more complicated for me. It entails hauling my body and the wheelchair in and out of the car, AND in some cases making phone-calls which I detest.

Anyways, until I sort this issue out here's the past few weeks in a nutshell.

January was cold and cozy.

Friendly dinners have been shared around our candlelit table.

Mornings find me zooming across the frozen white countryside under blue skies, heading back and forth to school where sweet students work hard at reading while battling an ongoing assortment of sniffles, coughs and sicknesses.

I am amazed and grateful that I have managed to avoid succumbing to the constant barrage of germs that surround me.

I continue to absolutely LOVE the precious kids and noble colleagues I get to work with, even when I arrive at school to these mountains of snow!


Thankfully the parking lot is plowed and I have easy access. Look at my faithful, dirt encrusted little Mazda waiting patiently for my return. 

I've taken my Mom and Auntie on a couple of little adventures to break up this long boring winter for them - a trip to the Spaghetti Factory proved to be a delicious and well appreciated culinary diversion. Such fine dining companions...

Patrice and I took a lovely drive up to Dee Lake this past weekend where we felt transported into some kind of a surreal, Narnia-type landscape.

Enticing, yes?


And, enchanting...

Dreaming of owning or renting a little cabin on a lake like this somewhere ...someday, maybe.  

I have made far too many trips to a certain drive through which is offering my favourite small mocha drink  for a mere loonie.  The excitement this generates seems a little bit ridiculous, but then, it's winter and a special hot drink on a cold day is a big deal in my little world.

All in all it's been a lovely winter so far.
Pictures will be forthcoming and meanwhile I feel very accomplished for having made it to February.
Spring is just around the corner...

**Newsflash**  I have begun to catch up - managed to download a few pictures and there is now a January post covering a new addition to our family... go check it out!

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