Friday, September 30, 2016

September End

We closed off September with a wonderful campfire/potluck evening with the same dear friends that we started the month with.
The newlyweds and their parents gathered here to bask in the "afterglow" of this wonderful month that started with their beautiful backyard wedding here.  
I was so grateful Ken and Barb could join us and we're happy to keep our tradition alive with all sorts of wonderful friends. 
New beginnings and widening circles. 

I'm incredibly thankful for this space and for friends that come and help me to celebrate the beauty of everyday life.
So nice to be outside enjoying the crisp fall air and the star studded sky as we shared a meal around a gorgeous crackling fire. 

There was also a 30th birthday celebration in September for dear Sara. 
What a precious young woman.
I am grateful for the years I got to spend with her in my home, sharing life, praying together and appreciating the depth of relationship that happens when you see someone almost every day for five years. 

And these two room mates of mine are creating perfect photo ops pretty much every time I turn around. 

They are so pathetic when I leave the house though.
Those little disappointed faces gazing at me as I apologize, close the door and head off to work..

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