Friday, September 16, 2016

Ladies Luncheon

I can hardly stand the sweetness of this little bunch of ladies on my back patio!  
God gave me the unction to invite these precious ones over and to whip up a  some nachos for a delicious little feast.

It was a bit of a stretch for some of them as Nachos are not standard "Mennonite fare", but I know Mom and Tante Hilda love them and since we haven't made it out to Peachland for our annual Nacho feast it was as good a time as any.
The weather was fine and there was a festive feel to the occasion.

Moose photobombed that picture quite nicely.  
He's an elder now so he figured he would blend in without a problem.
Except he's a man.  

The sun was bright and hot so Annie donned a hat.

The chocolate cream pie was a big hit.

I felt such gratitude to have these ones grace my patio.
I think Jesus loves these parties and I'm so thankful when I have the energy and wherewithal to pull them off! 

Amazingly enough, Moose finally weaselled his way into Martha's heart.  She generally doesn't like dogs much as she was bitten as a child and also they mess with her whole "clean' philosophy.
In a big way.
However, I think she finally caved when he just gently laid his head on her lap. 
Note her hand resting on his back!!
And the smile on her face!
Wonders truly never cease.

Since I had nachos fixings happening in my fridge I just invited Ken & Barb over for supper on the patio and we finished the evening by trying out the amazing little gas fire pit that my sweet friend Gayle gave me as a thank you for hosting the wedding on the property. 

So easy and so fun! 

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