Thursday, September 15, 2016

Last Whispers of Summer

The day was so fine that I had to head into town to enjoy these last whispers of summer.

After grocery shopping I checked in with the kids to see if I could buy them pizza but they were busy so I took myself on a wee date.

After buying a little burger and hot chocolate I parked myself at the lakeside to enjoy the sunset.
The day had been wonderfully warm so I watched people swimming, paddle boarding and canoeing as the evening wound up.

The sun went down with a golden splash of light and I was there to see it.
I'm not often at the beach in the evening but what a great idea to take myself on a personal date to capture these kind of sights.

I'm drinking in every last bit of this sweet summer that I can.   As I drove towards home I noticed a gigantic moon hanging low over the horizon.
My little camera phone didn't do any justice to the size and splendour of that moon but I had to pull over more than once to admire it and take pictures.


This is where I get to live, just right of where that moon is peeking over the hill.

And how am supposed to pick just one picture?  
It's not possible, so here they all are...

Also stopped above the golf course to look out over the valley since I was doing everything else amazing all on the same night.
The sprinklers were on making it look like there were beluga whales jumping out of the green manicured lawns. 

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