Thursday, September 29, 2016

And I'm back to School!

This week I started back to teaching and it's been really wonderful to see the eager little faces, hear their sweet voices and to be in the familiar noisy atmosphere of learning in community.
This school I am privileged to be part of is truly something exceptional and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be part of the lives of these students.  The staff is also phenomenal and I have finally been here enough years (10) that it feels comfortable and homey. The unfortunate part of the equation is they have added a third class of students to my roster and I barely had time to do two classes last year. The need for educational support and reading support is monumental.  May God strengthen me for the year ahead so that I can do justice to these dear ones who are falling behind and struggling with figuring out the sounds the letters make...

Before I headed back to school I took Mom and Tante Hilda on a nice prayer drive.  We hadn't done that in a long while and it felt good to be together, seeing the lovely sights and bringing our requests before our Great and Awesome God. 

I've also been taking Mom to a smaller church which is a little slower paced with a choir and a more familiar atmosphere. She's trying to figure out if this might be a better fit for her since her old church has felt overwhelmingly huge and kind of unfamiliar as there are so many services and endless new people. 

Last weekend I went to a wonderful 50th birthday party for a friend of mine.  Here she is with her parents and brother.  Her own family consists of a fabulous husband and seven beautiful kids who put on this party and gave the most honouring tributes to their dear mama.  It was fun to connect with the friends who were there and to enjoy the delicious spread of snacks! 

And meanwhile, "back on the ranch", the apples have been picked!
Suddenly the orchard was full of Mexicans speaking and singing in Spanish and in the blink of an eye the apples were picked, loaded into the big red bins and carted away. 

The familiar rhythms of orchard life...

I'm so glad that the trees are still covered with leaves and that the lawn is still  a rich green.  

There are trees turning all sorts of beautiful colours in town and on my drives to town, so I'm enjoying the show.  I'm so glad God gives us the seasons and changing colours to admire.  

The puppies were showing off their socks to Celia one evening so I had to snap yet another photo of these cuties. 

And then there's the bird who provides entertainment and sound effects. I caught him admiring an old photo of Daniel and Patrice the other day...

September is finishing well.  I dropped in on Nicole yesterday at work.  It was her birthday so I brought her a balloon, lunch, a pie and a card to celebrate her 30th.  Wish I would have snapped a picture when she ran out to grab her goodies, but it all went to quickly for me. We will be doing more celebrating as a family, but I'm glad I was able to pop in and wish her well in the middle of her 12 hour shift!

Here's a little snapshot of what I get to see as I drive up and down the hill into town.  The lake looks much bigger in real life, but when I take pictures it shrinks down into a tiny blue strip.  I don't understand this phenomenon, but trust me, in real time it's really gorgeous! 
I am blessed beyond measure to live here and to have eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that gets to experience the glory and kindness that is God everywhere I am. 

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