Wednesday, May 25, 2016

In the Dirt

It's Spring!
This season is like no other - full of new beginnings and fresh starts.

Hope and expectation
Overflowing delight...
Glorious Sunshine

I'm feeling it in my bones and my spirit is rejoicing! 

Since I missed out on some of the local blossoms this year while I was in Europe,
I'm making up for lost time and it's totally energizing me.
Somehow, having this big empty house all to myself has given something back to me. I'm more motivated than I have been in quite some time and am keeping up with the place "with a little help from my friends". 
The other day I even managed to get a VERY full and heavy recycling bin and the garbage bin all the way down the driveway on my own. 
There was an Indian gentleman pruning the grapes in the yard next to ours and as he watched me coming down the slope he kindly asked if I needed help, but at that point I was on a roll and needed to prove something to myself. 

Isn't he amazing?
I absolutely LOVE where I live and what I get to see every single day.
I'm so very, very grateful.

So, recently Nicole and I went out shopping for flowers together in lieu of mother's day and all that which was very sweet.  I bought myself some fun little annuals and had such a good time adding color to the back patio. 
Just keeping it simple, but it's very life-giving even just to add little touches and to watch the flowers do their thing.

Then today after work I took the puppies in to the salon and they came out looking pretty ravishing. 
I got a good deal since they skipped the shampoo bit so I felt like I could afford that little luxury.  Plus they have been carrying way too much stuff into the house on their big shaggy bodies and tails. 
Clean and streamlined are how we roll around here.

Look at this little Diva contemplating life and her escape from the horrors she had to endure at the salon with the cat...let alone watching me drive away while she was kept behind the gate.

While the puppies were busy I went to town and bought plants, of all things!
Seriously, something's up.
Becca had kindly weeded one of the garden plots when I was away and I decided to put in a few zucchini plants and tomatoes just to see if I could somehow manage to keep them wet enough to have a wee garden this summer.

How humble and cute is this? 

I also put in a few peas, some winter squash and sunflowers hoping for the best. 
It would just be so much fun to have a few things to pick now and then from my very own garden!  

And here is my rhubarb plant.
Thing is, I don't even like rhubarb but Patrice does and I think it is a hardy plant that just keeps on giving, so I'm giving it a go. 
Apparently we're not allowed to pick from it the first season so hopefully it will live until next year.  Ha!  Motivation to keep things watered.

What a lovely day.
Now I'm thoroughly exhausted but I have prayer tonight so I'll go and plant a different kind of seed that I'm sure will produce a rich harvest of righteousness 
one day.

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