Monday, December 21, 2015

December Days...

These December days have been full and fun.
Whenever Vic is in town there is a need to work on apartment related details so a downtown banking rendezvous was arranged on a rather frosty day which led to a bonus visit with Daniel.
He had just finished the last exam of his most gruelling semester so far and was able to meet us for a quick lunch celebration.
Every moment I get to spend with him feels like a bonus so I was so grateful to have this time to catch up with him and family. 

We also found the sweetest little used - bookstore downtown which provided the perfect photo op for my dear sister-in-law and I. 
We both LOVE books, even though I seem to be in a season where there is not a lot of actual "book" reading going on.  The ease of reading on my lap top (on which I can make the words as BIG and BRIGHT as I want) and listening to messages or stories has taken over my actual book reading obsession. 

I love that Marcia is game for pretty much anything; pictures, outings, games, parties etc. 
It makes me long for a body that could fully take advantage of the possibilities that present themselves with such an eager adventurer, but most of these adventures will have to wait for heaven by the looks of it.  For now I will content myself with what I am able to do, which is quite a lot when I think of it.
My extroverted self just has an inflated idea of what all could and should happen, but my body balks and I submit.
With gratitude. 
Because even the resting and home time is precious.  
And necessary.

Because, for instance, my ankle.  
I attended the birthday of a dear friend this month and after successfully navigating the stairs out of his home with help, I thought I was home free to get to my car. Someone was helping to push me and we failed to see the last step at the end of the sidewalk under the black winter night's sky and kaboom - I fell out of my chair and crumpled forward onto the cement somehow injuring my ankles, or foot or legs.  It's all so mysterious when one's sensation is missing.
Convenient at times.  But mostly not.  
I did enjoy the brief opportunity to kneel on the ground as I never get into that position anymore. 
It was sort of exciting to be under the stars, breathing in the frosty air and kneeling before my Maker, so I took the time to say a quick prayer before my friend returned with another strong man to get me back into my wheelchair.  
However, my body obviously didn't enjoy that position and my ankles both swelled to a great size by the next evening.  Eventually I finally got myself to the hospital to get an X-ray.  Praise God the ankle was intact so I am hoping that the knee and other body parts are also ok as I wait for things to return to their normal size.  

Thankfully my injury didn't prevent me from doing some special Christmas baking. I found a great recipe for Pfeffernusse that made about 14 pans worth of the crunchy little delights! 
Moose and Ladybug were eager to eat any of the raw ones that fell on the floor or the over baked ones. They are big fans of Pfeffernusse now.

I also had the opportunity to meet my sweet friend Gayle for a short visit at Patrice's coffee shop where we exchanged a gift and a few stories before rushing off to complete our pre-Christmas lists. 

There's also been a lot of feasting going on with Vic and Marcia in town.  Here is a meal of ribs she made for all of us to enjoy. What a gift to have family.
Family that loves to be together and is at peace.

I am so very thankful for this tremendous gift and am grateful for a mom that encouraged and exemplified peace.

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