Sunday, December 20, 2015

Advent Event

As you can see the four candles are lit on the Advent Wreath!  Christmas is almost here. I am not the best at moving through this Glorious season with enough intention to meditate daily during this season of waiting and longing, but there is an awareness and a gratitude for the light that we can focus on and celebrate during this dark cold month. 
We are all waiting and longing for something.
For SomeOne to show up and bring the promised emancipation we are longing for.
I am always happy to set aside at least one Advent Evening to specifically calling together family to feast together, sing and light the candles that mark the Advent of our King's Birth.

And God has seen fit to allow these precious elders of our tribe to still be sitting in our midst. Through trial and pain and faith and courage they remain, calling on the name of Jesus and being strengthened daily through His power.
So precious are their lives and we are grateful to be able to celebrate together.

We are so fortunate to have the freedom to gather and worship together.
To have family that loves to be together.
To have a King who is coming again to answer the groaning and longing of our spirits and bodies. 

Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel...

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