Thursday, December 24, 2015

And It's Christmas Eve!

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration.
As much as I was sad that Daniel and Nicole were busy with other family and couldn't join us, whenever Jesus shows up in our midst, all is well. 
You just have to be flexible as the family changes and since Patrice was working on Christmas Eve we had our party early. 

This picture of Mom and Dad is super sweet to me.  They were sitting on the couch together with a book I had been given by a dear friend and Dad was reading the little stories about dogs to Mom.


Dad left shortly after we ate but it was special to have him with us.  I am sad that his deafness leaves him feeling isolated.  It is a difficult thing indeed to see Mom and Dad and Tante Hilda losing their sight and hearing and grappling with bodies that don't cooperate so well, but look at us - partying with the best of them!! 

Vic and Ollie had a rousing round of Krokinole, cheese cake was enjoyed, Marcia, Elsie and I played some Boggle and the afternoon was spent in a wonderful way.

We had a gift exchange where everyone brings one and takes one home to keep things super simple and we had fun with some silly glasses and noses that were found in one of the gift bags.

It appears my sister in law has embraced our family's penchant for "silliness" and she is now helping us to step out in new avenues that we have not yet investigated!

I love that Tante Hilda and Mom are game for pretty much anything.
Look at these two cutie pies!

God has made this home a sanctuary.
I love that He has given me family to celebrate with.

The greatest gift, Jesus, has become Emmanual to us.
God is truly with us. 

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