Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gloriously Grateful

Thanksgiving has been turning into one of my favourite holidays.

No stress about gifts or crazy decorating but there is the sheer joy of planning a wonderful big meal with all sorts of "fall ingredients", preparing it (slowly over a number of days) and inviting over a lovely crowd of hungry people to celebrate God's goodness.

Plus, the whole outdoor scenario is singing a song of beauty that is utterly breathtaking, making the decorating thing rather unnecessary.  For me, anyways.
I put out a candle and mini pumpkin and wanted to throw some leaves on the table but by the time all the dishes are laid out on the table there is no need for more decor.

What kind of good Father has allowed me to still have my dear mama and papa and sweet little Tante Hilda around to enjoy this lovely holiday with?
Also my kids, sister and even my dear cousin Esther and her little family.

So much goodness and grace.
Always God in the centre.
He is the author of everything that is good and lovely and pure.
He is the ONE, the majestic, honourable, esteemed guest that I make sure to invite ahead of time.
Creator extraordinaire.
I wish I had more words to describe the feelings that bubble up inside of me when I look around me and want to tell Him how amazing He is.
But He loves my little attempts.
And He smiles with joy when his daughter creates that space of praise.

And we sang a Birthday song for these two because exams prevented a family gathering for Daniel's birthday.  

The after celebrating goes on with puzzles and singing in the living room and everyone is just happy to be together. 

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