Thursday, October 1, 2015

Back to School

And I'm back!
At school, that is. 

I'm so incredibly blessed to have a job to go to. 
One that is so satisfying and fun and fulfilling.
I'm just volunteering this year instead of filling a paid position, but it feels better this way.  More freedom with all the perks.
I breathed in that familiar smell of "learning" as I headed down to my little class area with the sounds of kids voices permeating the air.
It's a familiar, wonderful place.

Here is my little workspace next to a big beautiful window that brings lots of wonderful light.  Because I am using someone else's space I have to set up each time I teach but I was provided with a lovely little cabinet on wheels that is working out really well.
Blessed are the flexible...

And my dear colleague Abbie has a perfect new work space that is spacious, quiet and clean.  It has been such an answer to prayer as she was ready to quit after the difficult last year she had.  
We love to pray together for our students and for the program as we know the vital importance of giving assistance to those kids who struggle with making sense of the written word.  
We are asking the Lord to give us insight, wisdom and much love as we have the privilege of working one on one with these precious kids.
I'm so much enjoying getting to know the grade one and two kids that will be visiting me twice a week in the coming year. 

This season of fall is full of new beginnings and potential.
And incredible beauty...

This season, more than any other takes my breath away.
The rich tapestry of colours and the earthy rich smells are just outrageous.

So I am drinking in the season.
Grateful for another fall and another new beginning. 

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