Thursday, October 8, 2015

Another Drive

Patrice and I made a sudden and quick trip to Castlegar and back to follow up on the bloodwork  she had done in Trail with a very fine lady doctor.  All is well.

This has been a remarkably pretty time of year to do this drive because...
Well, it's Autumn and it's hard to get a prettier time of year.

Trees like flaming torches scattered amongst the stately green pines. 

We laughed when we saw a group of turkeys crossing the highway.
Right before Thanksgiving weekend.

I guess they were making their big break and skipping out on that particular feast.
Smart turkeys.

And I found the most delightful little drive through coffee place that looked like it was right out of a 50's movie.  Here I purchased a drink that was faaaar too sweet, but delicious none the less.  I needed something to keep me feeling perky since Patrice was sick this time around and I was driving home.  On this trip I realized that my hands don't feel great gripping a steering wheel for four hours straight anymore.  I'll have to look into getting one of those groovy big furry steering wheel covers to keep the arthritic joins happy.

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