Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kinda Sweet

A while ago I was sitting with a sweet little grade 2 student and for some reason we were talking about heaven.

Kids are so delightful… trusting and eager for good things.
I work with an amazing bunch of them this year.  It's hard to believe I get paid for doing something that is so life-giving and so very fulfilling.  And fun.  The jelly bean reward getting pooped out of the little rein-dog never gets old.

I told this little gal that we would have a date up in heaven where we would hang out with animals and do fun stuff together. Maybe ride horses, go on a picnic.  It was fun to talk about, as heaven usually is.  But then it was back to the vowels, imprinting, and reading words.

A tiny little interaction.

Some days later I was in the office signing out and this gal's mom told me that as she was putting her to bed the night before she said,  "Mrs. Engel and I are going to play together in heaven and she isn't going to be in a wheelchair!"

I don't even know if the wheelchair had come up in our conversation, but I love that she had contemplated the whole idea of us seeing each other up there and hanging out together and that it made her happy.

I love that I can talk about Jesus, pray for the kids and encourage them about the big plans He has for them.
I work at a really great school.
I'm so grateful for God arranging this whole wonderful set-up for this season in my life.

His ways are perfect.

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