Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Advent

Early morning darkness
Drops of rain pelting on my window
Fighting a migraine and medicating myself AGAIN. (fifth time this week!)
Crawling back into bed and luxuriating in the thought of my imminent rescue from pain and in the warmth of my cozy quilt and dear doggie.
And VOILA ... the medication worked...
A resurrection rescue of sorts.
A leisurely shower was taken and my Sunday began.
My plans to attend the Anglican Church will wait for another time.

Dropped something off for my dear friend in Istanbul -
a little Christmas treat that will be hand delivered to her!
Happy Thought that is!

Since it was First Advent and I know that is important to my  mama I arranged to meet my son there for lunch. (his lovely wife is in Vancouver)
Opa had the food ready and we shared a delicious meal of chicken and potatoes in the dining room on the nice plates when Oma got home from church.
Ah these sweet blessed traditions and familiar routines.
I am blessed beyond measure!

Decorations were hauled out and dear Daniel with his remarkable height happily put the familiar and warm Christmas decor on the walls and tables.
Apparently the tree had gone missing. Ha - one of my Dad's hobbies and passions is ridding the home of anything deemed unnecessary!
I guess I'll be dropping another little tree off to brighten their living room and if I declare the tree to be mine, on loan to Oma, hopefully it will not disappear.

Somehow with Oma moving more slowly and painfully now it just comforts my heart to know her home looks cheerful and there is little decorating work for her to do.
This progressive slowing of function and increase of pain is difficult to watch,
I realize I am adapting to the transition with some difficulty as she is much more resigned to the losses and narrower lifestyle that result.
She has learned to be content and radiates a sweet spirit despite the difficulties.

I dropped her off at a German Christmas Carol program, happy that she would be amongst her peers and doing what she loves on this First Advent.

I drove off, treating myself to a $1 mocha and a drive through the beautifully sun drenched valley.
Nothing felt like winter as the day was warm and I felt simply spoiled to have the privilege of taking myself on the scenic drive.

The sun sunk over the hills so early in the day
I was tucked into my warm home, pulling out a tiny tree, excited about the twinkly lights that would add to this season of Advent.
A perfect season to be celebrating the coming King of Light

My little tiny tree is now sparkling with lights in the living room and a tiny stocking stocking is hung.

I am so glad this dark cold season is liberally sprinkled with so much light.
Colorful displays are appearing all over the city
It makes my heart happy and I know how badly I need light.
I am so glad He came into my dark world and shone that light of healing into my heart.
He is the Light of the world.
And of my world.

Hallelujah - Amen!

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