Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Here and Now

I wouldn't have guessed this particular scenario ten years ago...

My home filled with three lovely young women
Our four lives intertwining and connecting over kitchen conversations, meals, gathering leaves, baking, knitting, watching movies, sharing big bowls of popcorn, making special drinks and always, always finding something funny and sweet to laugh about regarding the two doggies.

Always we are free to go our separate ways, experience life and return full of stories or silence to participate again in this little "family' that God has created for us right now.

There is a wholeness and soundness and comfort in this...
How good and pleasant it is when sisters dwell together in unity.
Truly it is good and pleasant and I am blessed.

Knowing it is always just a season
And I must drink in the moments and revel in the laughter and youth that surrounds me.
Not comparing to what could be or "should be" or what is happening in other homes.
Just plain thankful for this warmth.
Life around me.
Here and now.

I am not alone.

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