Monday, November 19, 2012

Heavenly Daze


Following that last rather morbid, pms induced posting I was lifted far above my apparent mundane and earthbound miseries with a surprisingly delightful day.
Heaven kissed earth in my wee realm and I must relate the tale as a "stone of remembrance" of sorts.

Thursday afternoons are set aside to pray with a dear friend who is dripping with grace and kindness. She enters my room with her sweet smile and gentle presence and we present ourselves to the King for His good pleasure.
These afternoons alone are an appointment with heaven and we enter into that throne room to kiss the King and to intercede on behalf of so many precious saints and not yet saints...
Together our faith is BIGGER and we love to stand in agreement with whatever Jesus is up to as much as we are able.

The followup to the prayer session included some rather extravagant giftings for no apparent reason at all.
Just because He loves me...
I have a month of free massage - IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME!!!
I also get four hours of housecleaning this week and I am so excited to get things done that are kind of hard for me to ask my housemates to do.  Asking is not my strong point and for some reason this good stuff just got dumped on me.
Showers of blessings indeed!

To top off the gifting session, the "final door" opened for me contained a trip via private jet to CALIFORNIA!!  With my dear praying friend and several other great people.

A private jet - no joke!!

Oh my WORD!!  Outrageous blessings for no reason at all.
That's what kind of gets me in all of this.
I'm used to getting and giving things "in season" as it were.  Having grown up in a good Mennonite home, extravagance was not the common practice, even though I always had more than I needed.
We just learned restraint and the discipline of delay was somehow strongly bred into this little mare.

Needless to say I was blown away and have been carrying this treasured anticipation close to my heart.
Even if it doesn't happen, the offer, the possibilities, the dream of it all is just over the top wonderful.

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