Monday, November 19, 2012

Book-ish Club

So last year I was invited into a "Book Club" with a group of ladies whom I just adore. I felt very privileged to be asked to join this group and I entered in with great enthusiasm as I am wont to do when there is a possibility of fun and food and fellowship.

These are all found in great abundance at our gatherings.
The books?
Well, not so much, but that doesn't seem to bother us.  At least not too much.

We're happy with the wine and appies and the opportunity to unburden ourselves of life's many conundrums in the presence of other women who also happen to love books.

As long as there is a book within sight or some conversation surrounding something literary we are quite happy.

Surprisingly, at our last gathering (the one where there was no book assigned whatsoever) one of our talented members surprised us all by saying she had written several short stories.  She proclaimed she was not a writer and couldn't read well, both statements which were completely untrue as we were soon to find out.

When we finished laughing rather uproariously about the antics of one of our member's  husbands (something involving bright white runners and an unmade bed) we finally wiped away our tears and settled down to have a good listen to our apparent "non-writing" "non-reading" friend.

Our attention was captured with the first line, read quite beautifully I might add with a lovely South African accent, and our attention was held until the last syllable was uttered. I was literally stunned at how well the story was executed using wonderfully descriptive words and a captivating story line.

To think we have a budding author in our midst!  I foresee publishing and an audience hungry for more, as we all were.

As if this wasn't enough literary excitement for one evening, this delightfully shocking discovery was followed by another.  Apparently the bravery of one literary genius gave courage to another and soon we were hanging onto the words of an incredible poem which had been written by another one in our midst on Remembrance Day.

The stage was set, the drums played and the words created a magnificent percussive scene of warfare and courage.

Obviously we don't need to travel outside the bounds of our own members who have hidden talents to find literature bound to inspire and challenge.
Most likely there will be more to come and the excitement mounts!!
Who will be the next emergent artist in our ranks?

We will continue to drink wine, eat goodies and laugh until they shake off their fears and apprehensions and reveal their identity as closet authors!

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