Sunday, April 15, 2012

Surprises and Such

This month is flying by and I don't know if I want that to happen...
It kind of makes my breath catch cause there are some biggish things coming up.
Like my backyard fiftieth birthday party.
And then the cruise is one month after that.
Just thinking about it is making my heart pitter patter but it's all good.
Really good, not just a saying.
Unless of course it rains on my birthday which will be awkward, but life teaches you to roll with the punches, so I'll just roll through that as well if it happens.

There have been so many gatherings.
Easter was wonderful.
I felt so peopled out that I missed the ladies supper downtown the next night.
And found out they were celebrating all the April birthdays that night and I missed out on about 5 cakes. I felt badly about that. It's the only one I've missed cause I love those evenings.
Such sweet, unique fellowship. And of course the food always draws me in.

Being back with the sweet kids at school is lovely.

I'm realizing the end of the school year comes early for me so I'm under some time constraints there too but I will just do the best I can.
I'm amazed that the Lord gave me such a beautiful job.

I hosted the Book Club this last week and it turned into a birthday party for me too!

It was nice to be with a smaller group, half of who hadn't read the book so the conversation was a little more open as a result.

And April is being it's lovely self,
Bringing on some sunny days which are bringing on the tulips
Buds on trees and grass that is greening up.
Downtown there are bright yellow forsythia bushes exploding with color and life.
Wowsers - they have such great personality! I'm always amazed I still haven't planted one or ten of them in my huge yard.

And I keep tucking God's word into my heart and in my excitement about the power of the Word I'm pulling a few people back into the memorizing frenzy with me!
Right now it's Romans 12:1,2 which is confusing me because I think I learned it in a different version years ago so I keep switching the words around. Just take a look at these powerful words...

Romans 12

Dedicated Service
1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this[c]world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

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