Monday, April 30, 2012

the BIG party!

I decided to go big for my fiftieth - to invite lots of friends and have worship in the back yard.  And God was so kind to give us a nice day!  There were lots of nerves, invitations, shopping trips and checking of the weather forecast leading up to the big event.  And I don't know if I'd do this again - at least not for myself - the nervous tension was a little bit monumental in my head.  Like too many thoughts were contained in too small of a space and they started poking out uncomfortably.

But the party was fun.  People connected and reconnected and laughed and sang.
And Jesus was there.  I made sure to thank Him.  He's the best.
There was a great band with a banjo player, a harp player, an 8 year old mandolin player an 11 year old saxophone player.  WOW eh?

The house gals had fun getting ready - especially when they discovered the freedom and joy that lipstick can add to pretty much any situation!  Are they not the cutest?

 I didn't even recognize my brother and his wife until I got right up close - they were incredibly groovy!

My son and his lovely wife...

 A couple of my butterflies came to celebrate with me!

by the time almost everyone went home I realized I was very hungry and so was Barb so we had our own private little celebrate... in peace.  

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