Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunshine

Because He died and rose again - OH GLORY!
Because He lives, INSIDE OF ME, no less!!
I can face this moment,
this day, tomorrow and the future.
With so very much joy and gratefulness.

The sun is shining on this glorious day of celebration.
The sky is oh so very blue.
The house is full of noises of life
The dishwasher being emptied, a message being listened to
Someone is in the shower,
And I lay here so grateful for the life that surrounds me.
For the gathering in my home yesterday with so many wonderful friends,
Most of all my two of my precious children, my dear mom and my sweet sister.

I am off to a worship and communion service at the Vineyard.
My new little church family.
Where I am happy to go and meet with friends and love Jesus together with them.

Thank you dear and beautiful Jesus
For resolutely walking towards that day of unbelievable pain and torture
KNOWING the joy that lay just past that
Kept you as you experienced on our behalf what we deserved.
Oh thank you.
Thank you.
For hope and a future.

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