Thursday, March 15, 2012

This House

I don't often write about the goings on in this house, but they are many.
Four females live here!

One is an energetic artist and art teacher. She is seriously very energetic. The whole house starts to vibrate when she wakes up or comes home from wherever she has been.
One is an optimistic, recently unemployed hairdressing student who is engaged to be married to the artist's brother. Wedding plans are very much on her mind as is her beloved fiance.
One is the beautiful introverted daughter who is managing a coffee shop and working at a care home for disabled adults. She has to hide from the upstairs happenings sometimes.
And I, of course, am the housemother and a teacher. The buck stops here and I feel the responsibility and seriousness of my age but I manage to have so much fun on this journey.

I love the girls who live here with me.
I love the laughter that occurs spontaneously when they meet up in the kitchen and share their stories.
I love the coziness of visits around the kitchen table or on my bed.
I love the quiet times when everyone is out and busy and the house is mine for a little while.
I love that there are shared responsibilities with the house, but I don't like managing them.
I love having people to talk to and pray with that live with me.
I love the evenings of mentoring with an eager learner who inspires me to memorize diligently.
I love how we all love the dogs and endlessly laugh at them and admire them.

We are a little family and we are happy.
God has been immensely kind to me to provide me with such sweet company for this season.

And it's almost Spring.
Even though it keeps forgetting and it snowed again just a few days ago.

The tulips are about two inches tall out in my garden.

That is very, very promising!

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