Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sun Really Helps

It's March and I'm just so thrilled that I'm on the other side of winter.
I head into winter gritting my teeth and hoping those dark months will pass quickly.
And they're DONE! Wahoo!!
The clocks magically sprang forward last night which will add another whole hour of brightness to this glorious season that is dawning.
Happiness is.... Spring and Light and Blue Skies and long days!!

I realize that's an awfully shallow statement, but amazingly enough I find myself quite affected by the dark and cold and isolation that results. And I know those months are harder on mom as well so it makes me happy that her little home will be brighter.

And I'm heading into Spring Break - two full weeks of free time to accomplish all kinds of things that have fallen by the wayside. I have a list and I'm starting to cross things off already.
Hopefully there will be some cheerful outings with Oma and Tante Hilda and Elsie since we don't have snow and ice and COLD hindering us anymore.

I'm spending time researching the different stops on the cruise that is now booked and paid for... when I'm not feeling guilty for spending all that money - haha!! It's been quite something dealing with my nerves over this whole adventure. I waffle between immense excitement and shame for spending so much on myself. But then I remember I'm doing it for family, bonding, and memories and God is actually very kind. He's not frowning at my bank account wondering why I didn't send that money to India. That enemy is such a thief. Robbing my joy in this tremendous gift from God.

I just might be attending a workshop called "Pain of the Heart" in a couple of weeks to deal with some of these issues that have been plaguing me. Because alot of my buttons have been pushed in the last couple of months.

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