Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Luxurious Loveliness

I am SO enjoying my two week holiday!
That is surprising because I only work 3 mornings a week which isn't so much at all.
But the time spreads before me like some lovely luxurious getaway.
I love being able to lounge in bed in the mornings.
No time constraints.
I've had a few horrible nights where I've been repeatedly awakened or unable to sleep because of strong muscle spasms in my back, but the fact that I can sleep in and catch up on my rest just takes the pressure right off.
I've had time to get all my income tax stuff together and it's been a victorious quest.
I feel ridiculously satisfied by all my orderly piles of papers placed in a basket ready to take to the book keeper.
The college conundrum was solved and I have my T2202 form all printed out.
The other conundrums were also solved and I just feel so accomplished.
Plus I organized files and made headway on other piles of papers.
I take the dogs out for runs and enjoy the spring sounds and warmer air.
I have lunches with the son who is often here because of work.
And I've been reading a novel!
I'm on my computer fast for lent which is giving me more time and space. (limiting "non-essential" computer time)
I've done so little but I feel a peace in that.
I think I needed this time and I'm so happy that I'm enjoying it so much.
I had a fun 50th birthday party to attend for a dear friend last night adding a bit of pizzaz to my otherwise slow moving days.

And I still have four and a half days to luxuriate in the simplicity of time at home with a few lunches and coffees with friends thrown in to keep me connected with the outside world.
What bliss!

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