Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guess What?

I'm becoming a quilter!
Yes, under the fine tutelage of my master quilter friend I have been working on a project for my dear Son and future daughter's wedding gift.
A quilt - made from fabrics chosen by her and sewed together with love and prayers by my eager nimble fingers - HA!!
It's just so exciting to be creating something and to see the pieces become squares and the squares become rows and the rows become a giant wonderful patchwork of color and beauty.
Today we took it in to be "stippled". Or something.
And in the process of taking it in and purchasing some extra fabric for the binding (don't I just sound like a miss quilter know-it-all?!) I was introduced to a sewing machine that has a little button to push to make it sew, freeing up both of my hands to maneuver the fabric!
Of course it was on a ridiculously good sale, and then on top of that it was the floor model bringing the price even lower and I did an amazing thing.
I bought her on the spot.

Her name is GRACE!
How could I not? Because who doesn't need more GRACE?
Me, for sure.
I am going to be doing a whole lot of quilting by the looks of things!
My quilting friend was more than encouraging about the purchase.
She should have gotten some commission the way I see at it.
Anyways, I now have Grace in my life and we're about to make some masterpieces together.

On my way home I got a bouquet of beautiful cut flowers for my mama and delivered them to her so she too could get a foretaste of what is coming so soon.
Even in the midst of trials (the son back ended by a semi yesterday and getting whiplash again, the daughter doing battle, the sister fighting off darkness and the mother on morphine for arm pain and the father very obviously unsaved) there is so much to rejoice about.
There are promises that are just waiting to burst into life and action
And I'm continuing to call them forth.
Faith is the evidence of things hoped for...
Just like Spring, they're coming and I will rejoice in the God who doesn't let His word go forth without it accomplishing what He desires.

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