Friday, April 1, 2011

An April Adventure

So, I decided it was time to take Oma and Tante Hilda on a little Spring Adventure.
Despite the fact that it was a glum looking overcast day.
My sister jumped on board with very little coaxing and soon we were all zooming down the highway in my little red Poppy looking for somewhere pretty to lunch.
Sweet comments were happily supplied despite the dark day which was getting more cheerful by the moment.
"Oh look at the nice houses!"
"Isn't the scenery pretty."
They just choose joy and optimism despite aching bodies and bad nights and the day is so much brighter because we all gathered together for a little adventure.
My poor sister was feeling ill to begin with so the thought of going through a drive thru and picking up sandwiches to eat at the lakeside in the car was too much for her to bear.
So we ended up at a Pub overlooking the prettiest little marina on a calm lake.

Nachos are almost always the preferred choice for these outings and a large plateful kept us munching and quite satisfied.

An entertaining conversation ensued and we spent a lovely part of the afternoon overlooking the marina, watching the gulls and chatting about heaven and other interesting topics.

My mom had us very surprised when she told us she heard about 10,000 people who had wings in a certain place. My sister and I were mezmerized until we heard that they were mechanical devices that needed to be attached for the people to fly. The way the story came out initially had us quite taken and we laughed hard when the truth of the matter came out.

I'm so glad for follow through. That God arranges days and times where on a whim everyone is available and the adventure is just there for the taking and making.
We seize the moment and push through till we're all together and laughing again.
Everyone's cup is full and we can all snuggle into our respective homes satisfied with an afternoon well spent.

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