Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am home.
Laying on my bed.
Absolutely EXHAUSTED!!

Daniel and I finished the trip together and flew into a very warm and sunny Kelowna yesterday- on his birthday! His beloved met us at the airport and promptly had to get dropped off at college but I think they were happy to reconnect, even so briefly.

I got home (rushed out to do a video bible study and back) and was happy to rest after a very long day. Unfortunately I had a rough night due to strong back spasms starting at 2:45 or so. I think I may be onto something though. I had very good sleeps during the whole holiday which is almost unheard of. I'm wondering if this rough long season of bad sleeps due to back spasms is partly due to this new (expensive) bed I purchased last Spring?!? I may sleep in the guest room tonight to do a comparison.

This morning I met with a group of amazing women at my friend's place to be a part of something new.... New for me anyways. We will be studying a book called Sacred Rhythms together and doing contemplative Bible readings and listening prayer. It was lovely this morning to meditate on the scriptures that were read out loud for us and to pick out the phrases or words that God was impressing upon us from Matthew 11:28.

My words:
Gentle and humble of heart

I do so much want to trust my Jesus. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He will work out those things that are weighing heavily upon me.

From that sweet fellowship I went to a funeral and celebrated the homegoing of a Godly man who has left behind him a legacy of loving Godly children and grandchildren. What more could a man ask for? We worshiped together, ate together and connected with people we haven't seen for many years as we said farewell to this saint.

Now I am completely and absolutely exhausted. So many long days with hardly a chance to have my afternoon lie down. It seems to have caught up with me but I am more than grateful that I had the privilege and opportunity to travel, be with my kids, and see so much of God's creativity and beauty. I just LOVE traveling and am thankful that I can, even though it is very hard work on so many levels. Not just for me but for the dear souls who have to push me up steep hills and haul my wheelchair in and out of the car and carry my bags. God sends me helpers. He comes with so many different skins on and loves me.

Oh yes, He loves me.

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