Saturday, October 2, 2010

Over the TOP AmaZING!

San Diego.
My kids.
And one super sweet friend.
Life hardly gets better than this.

Daniel and I flew into San Diego yesterday around noon after a fairly seamless trip, tho the day started ridiculously early.
We got our car, found our hotel and waited with eager anticipation for the dear daughter and her sweet friend to arrive and what a reunion!! Lots of laughter and a trip to Old Town San Diego for Mexican food with singers serenading started things off with a bang.

Shopping for sunglasses (3 pairs for $22) left us all looking pretty groovy and ready to hit Coronado Island at sunset!

Coronado Island. Thanks to a good friend I was advised to make this a part of our travel itinerary and am I ever glad we did!

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!!
Watching the three of them on the beach while the waves crashed in and the sun slowly sunk behind the rocks was truly a gift from God.
Overwhelmed with His goodness and His beauty!

San Diego Zoo today after a sweet breakfast at a Marina just down the street from our hotel.
We're just having fun all the time.
The zoo and the animals...words just don't suffice.
Honestly - the magnificence of the elephants brought me to tears and I had to talk to God about spending time with elephants. Haha!!! He totally understood how captivated I was.
And the zebras and warthogs and a polar bear swimming right past me - one flippin inch away from me. Simply divided by a thick piece of plexi glass.

And to top all of this off. Matt Redman playing at a church about 20 minutes away for free.
WORSHIP!!! With visions of the sweet creative genius of Jesus floating through my head - the animals were part of all of that if that makes any sense.

Just amazed. And super duper blessed.
To be with my kids experiencing all of this goodness. Sheer and pure God.
I had asked Him at the beginning of the trip to restore the years the locust has eaten.
He is doing it. Big time.

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