Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rescued Again

A roller coaster day for sure.
Started out way to early by mistake. After a sleep that was interrupted by ladybug. She is usually the quietest, sweetest little bed partner.
But not last night.

Somehow I must have heard her wandering around the room and I had memories of her sneaking pizza at our Father's Day Outing. Knowing her constitutional intolerance for anything unusual (as in not dogfood or popcorn) I was out of bed and taking her outside for a potty break in no time flat!! I took time to admire the stars and the treetops in the dark night. This happened twice. And unfortunately I'm not one who usually drops right back into a deep sleep after I've heaved my body in and out of the wheelchair. SOOO, sermons were listened to and I tried to take advantage of the remaining quiet hours.

Anyways, the mistake too early awakening took place before 6:00 am. and it led into a very nerve wracking unsatisfactory dialogue between beautiful daughter and I regarding summer employment.

Thankfully, after I tried returning to bed twice to rest and find composure for my soul we had a very successful outing to set up the soon to start summer job. There was such victory and I could sense God's blessing on my girl for overcoming what seemed an insurmountable mountain of fear and confusion. Blessings that included a supervisory position due to her knowledge of Spanish! A higher wage due to that position and free lunches. Oh Glory.
What a marvelous rescue from the Father of Lights!!

So, the darkness has no victory in this house or those who belong to it.

I am grateful to the Father of Lights. Truly He daily loads me with benefits.
Truly I need to count those blessings and give thanks often.

Today I'm thankful for God rescues.** He proved faithful again.
**I'm so thankful for the Ignatian Retreat I attended that reminded me of the value in remaining quiet and peaceful before God. ***Let the uncomfortable selfish me drain out and let the marvelous life of Jesus come in. A constant pattern of death being replaced by LIFE!
**I'm super grateful for my sense of smell in this season of green abundance and scents galore. When I drive I am overwhelmed with the myriad of beautiful smells that are flowing around me through my open windows. **Thankful for family pot luck suppers held outside in summer paradise *** Watching my little people and their friends run through the sprinkler, jump on the trampoline and swing from ropes*** Seeing Oma and Opa and Tante in our midst watching their favorite people and smiling with the joy that family brings ** My sister comes to gatherings and makes my heart happy. I will believe for her rescue and thank God in advance for it! **The smell of my handlotion, scented with Pichouli making me happy right now **My glorious environmentally friendly air conditioning blowing cool air so I can fall asleep after a hot day*** Good night!**

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