Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So much potential.
So much of God.
I don't want to squeeze Him out of what is really His
As I transition into this strange new phase of life.
I'm really trusting Him to open good doors,
To close the ones I am not to enter.

There are so many possibilities, like pools waiting to be lept into!
Pool of such varied depth and color and taste and endless unknowns.
I don't want to jump into the wrong ones so therefore I have to take God at His word when He says that

"The plans of the heart belong to man
but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord"
Proverbs 16:1

In this last week I have marked two pools that are definite possibilities to jump into next fall!! I feel a little presumptuous perhaps?
A little apprehensive.
Kind of excited.

They're not big changes but they are definitely new for me and are beginning to bring some form and texture and structure to my future.
I must sigh a big sigh and simply move ahead trusting.
For new beginnings.
For favour, for success, for new horizons and that God will "enlarge my territories for His Name and Kingdom's sake". That's part of a prayer that I pray fairly often for myself and my kids and Ron. That prayer ends with asking God to keep us free from harm and to help us not to cause pain.

So, what I did this week was apply for university.
Oh my goodness.
The only reason I did this was because I finished the TESL course well and found out that I can still do school with this slightly befuddled perimenopausal brain of mine! And my classmate from college reassured me that having done that course, the present college level courses she is taking are easy in comparison.
So I've been prepared.
And, one of my instructors actually told me that I have a brain for academics and she encouraged me to continue with my schooling.

I've also begun to realize the advantages and doors that open with a degree.
So I might just be pursuing my degree in something. Right now it's bachelor of arts and I hardly even know what that is.

The other thing I did was say YES to a job offer at the school I've been volunteering at.
To be paid real money for tutoring kids in reading!!
One on one, just the way I like it!
At least it will cover my gas costs for driving to and from the school so often!!

I feel some degree of safety in that I can opt out of both of these "possibilities" but it's good if I begin to move in a direction and set some things in motion. God can continue to direct me if these are not the best places for me to be.

So, that's the beginning of my plans for plunging into pools of possibility that will hopefully be lifegiving for me and others.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so awesome. I am so glad that you have applied to the College. We can meet for tea at Fezziwigs and study in the Library together! I can't wait! Please tell me as soon as you get accepted! Always, your friend, Joanne