Tuesday, October 7, 2008


In the mornings when I awake I have been doing a new thing.

MEMORIZING!!! It's not really a new thing, but it has been so long since I have committed a larger portion of scripture to memory that it feels new and wonderful.

I was challenged when I visited one of my most favorite and least favorite blogs. Ahem...yes, favorite because it challenges me and speaks with profound beauty and poetry. It is full of the simple essence of life - of Jesus in everyday. It speaks of a life that I wish I had passed onto my kids. It is full of amazing pictures and stories. So I am drawn to that blog time and time again even though I feel so convicted when I compare my parenting and lifestyle. (I know, I know...comparing is so dangerous)

It is least favorite because I feel small and selfish when I read about the daily disciplines practiced by the family. The everyday graces of praying together, memorizing, living very practically for others and literally living out Romans 12 where we are encouraged to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. But as the writer always signs her name under the simple words "All's Grace" I too live my life under those words.

I need the grace to start fresh again with a simple form of self discipline and I'm doing it!! I started a few days ago and it's amazing how the brain kicks into gear with repetition. So I am taking up the challenge by joining them in Mega Memory Month and am simply doing the same passage that they have chosen...starting with Philippians 1:20. Don't know how far I'll get but it's a great passage and it's important that I just start somewhere!!

So now when I awaken early as I am prone to do, I have so much time to mull the words over in my head, adding line upon line and rejoicing that it is actually sticking!!

Small beginnings.

As Ann says in her blog it's important to be "intentional" in our pursuit of holiness. (Holy Experience)
His mercies are new every morning!!
Truly, all is grace and I am grateful for His call to me is to:"forget the former things, do not dwell on the past for behold I do a NEW THING" Isaiah 43

And now I can rise to a new day with new words written on my heart!

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