Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Spring FOR REAL!!

I can actually say Happy Spring because the calendar tells me this is now a fact! And my world is slowly beginning to look like the season has changed. The grass is turning a lovely shade of green, the air is not so frosty (some days are even WARM!) and the birds are out heralding the season. I saw a little quail in my garden the other day and we've had the loveliest tiny birds at the feeder. The apple trees outside my office window stretch their naked arms to heaven eagerly awaiting the blossoms, leaves and finally fruit that will be blanketing them soon. I am so ready for a new season to begin and feel spring beginning in my spirit as well. I choose to embrace it along with my Lover who ordained the seasons...He calls to those of us who will listen, who have ears to hear:

"My lover spoke and said to me,
'Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their
Arise, come my darling; my beautiful one, come with me"

Song of Songs 2:10-13

What a sweet invitation - what a blessed announcement for those of us who have waded through a long, cold winter and have watched others struggling and fighting with the darkness and cold that a winter season can bring. The ones I have been watching and praying for have struggled with a winter season in the natural and the spiritual and my prayer for them is that the Lover will come and rescue them and breathe hope and warmth and new life into them.


It's taken me a long time to get here - and my fingers have been itching to tell some stories and reconnect with the few people I know that visit me here. I actually sat down on Sunday night and put together a long book review, looking up scriptures and working hard to get it all right and then I clicked on a key that I obviously should have avoided and half of the post disappeared! At this point I was so exhausted that I just shut off the computer and went to bed. I still hope to put the book review on here because I feel it is an urgent and compelling message for the Western Church and those of us who feel we are growing somewhat complacent in our walk with Jesus. The book is called "RESCUED" by John Bevere & Andrew Olson.

So - what has kept me away from the computer? (besides the fact that it's usually my daughter who is enthroned in front of this screen for hours at time) Well, we just finished Spring Break which was lovely - and this break from school contained my precious daughter's Sweet 16th birthday, sleepover parties for her, a bonfire with her school friends in our "backyard", company from out of town and a holiday at West Edmonton Mall. I returned home to days that were quickly filled with numerous important meetings etc. and am even now surrounded with a desk loaded with papers that need to get to an accountant (For the first time in my life I'm finally having to compile papers for personal income tax and it's a bit of a learning curve!)

So, there you go - I am alive and well on planet earth!! My washing machine just announced that it is finished it's job and it's time to load all those towels into the drier. I have a huge pot of soup simmering on the stove (added butternut squash & sweet potatoes which pleases me immensely - doing something relatively healthy and creative in the kitchen!) And my back is announcing to me that it is high time that I go and lay down to give it some rest. I will happily acquiesce!

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