Saturday, April 23, 2022

60th Celebrations Begin - Hobbit Style

I LOVE getting surprised and when I came into the "man-cave" where we have our hobbit nights I was blown away by how beautifully the room had been set up for me!!
Little "older" me!! 

There were crowns involved so of course we had to take the royalty photo op!

Being royalty is carries with it a  weight that must be dispelled with jocularity so we made sure to keep things in balance!  

This little crowd has been such a healing balm through these winter months and here we are; it's Spring, the days are longer and brighter and we are still going strong! 

Keeping the rhythms of good food and dessert (home-made chicken curry and a gluten free cake made by Jasmine that was drool-worthy) is also comforting.  

(I know that probably shouldn't be said while wearing a crown, but it was the truth.)

One of the gifts was a small journal given to each of us to record the insights we receive while watching the shows.

We did a review of what we watched last time since it had been so rich and we went slowly through the conversations writing things down to meditate further. 

Before we ate the cake I had mentioned that it was too bad that Gandalf couldn't show up at my party with some fireworks.

At this point Jasmine turned around with my cake which had a firework blazing away on it and they laughed at my reaction!
I was so stunned, amazed and OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPY!!
It felt like a dream come true 
How well they know me! 
The love was palpable and I can hardly believe the endless good gifts that God keeps sending my way.
These three fellow sojourner's just love me so well.  How can that even be?
So underserving, as usual, but God is pouring it on and my cup is overflowing.

I also took a couple of pictures of the inside of Celia's place since it's on the market and might not be our hobbit dwelling for much longer! 

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