Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Farewell Sweet Ladybug


Patrice stayed on for another week and headed back to the Coast with Lady and Willow on Monday.
She called me about 2 hours after leaving saying Ladybug's foot had really started to bleed.  Lady had a growth on her front paw that had never healed and couldn't be operated on because of her age.  We kept it bandaged but it was not in great shape.  Well, let's be completely honest here, Bugsy was not in great shape AT ALL with her back legs not working well either,  but Patrice wasn't ready to say goodbye so we were keeping her alive with love and lots of treats. 

I told Patrice to come back and that it was definitely time to release dear, sweet, beloved Ladybug from her pain.
I made an appointment with out vet for the next day and in the meantime we loved on our old girl as well as we could with lots of tears. 

Hard to find a more perfect dog than Ladybug and it was so painful to think of her not being around, but more painful to see her suffering so after giving her a breakfast of steak and feeding her more treats, on Tuesday afternoon we drove to the vet to say our final farewell.

Anita wanted to be there since she had spent so much time with Ladybug when she lived with us and she loved her as well. 
So there were three of us in the little "Blue Room", hugging our sweet old Ladybug and crying our eyes out as she passed from this world to the next.
No more pain for our lovely queen.

And no more snuggles for us... 

Till we get to join our sweet girl on the other side.
I guess Moose was there waiting for her with a big tail wag and a ball in his mouth!

Patrice dug a grave under the big willow tree out back and we said our final farewell as we tucked her body into it's earthen resting place.

So grateful that we had the privilege of caring for sweet Ladybug for 12 and a half years.  She was almost two when we got her and she lived a full and lovely life.

She brought us so much pleasure and she was so easy to look after and be with.
Obedient, eager to please, gentle and so, so sweet.

Willow and Winnie didn't seem fazed and were happily playing in the field.
The circle of life.
The fact that Patrice and I each have a dog right now is such a gift.

No doggie will ever replace our Bugsy, but each pup brings something new and fun into our lives.

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