Monday, October 11, 2021

So Thankful

Vic arrived and we took a walk over to the beautiful pond that is right by Mom's care home. 
Sadly, I find outings like this too overwhelming to do on my own but I'm happy to participate when I have the energy and someone to escort me! 
My wheelchair isn't equipped with tires for rough terrain and I can easily get stuck in gravel with my tiny front castor wheels. Plus, my shoulder isn't in the best shape (although another steroid shot at the end of September is working wonders) so I don't know if I'm too lazy or if it's actually a very hard thing.
Maybe a bit of both.

This outing was practically perfect in every way!
Time with my favourite bother, warm weather and a scenic pond hosting groups of noisy geese that were flying in and making spectacular landings, one after the other. 

It's too bad Mom is not very fond of outings at this point, but she sure loves the time we spend with her!

Such a delight for her to have Vic there to cheer her and everyone else up! 

He also helped get some pictures up on Mom's walls to cozy things up and make it feel more homey. 

Since Vic and Patrice arrived before Daniel, we decided to have some of his ginormous icecream birthday cake ahead of time.  We sent him this picture of us celebrating without him. 
There's nothing like supportive family members to carry you through! 

Thankfully Daniel's birthday is always near Thanksgiving so we were able to have another party once he finally arrived!

I made a humble version of Oma's famous 'Napoleon Torte' since that is Daniel's favourite.  So he really didn't miss out on the cake... we were just teasing!

And I was finally able to love on Patrice & Daniel in real time...

These are a few of my very favourite things... 

Some sweet time was spent around another fire...

disposing of more files and paperwork.
A good excuse to be together outside on a cool fall night!

Ladybug and Daniel hanging out with me in my comfy place!
And the weekend was over, just like that!
I had a chance to take Daniel to the Westside where he was meeting up with his ride.
Another perfect day to be out and about. 

Thankfully Patrice was able to stay on a bit longer to hang out with me and to enjoy beautiful fall walks with the pups. 

I am so thankful for these times with family.
Reconnection, hugs, and looking into the eyes of my beloved ones. 

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