Thursday, October 7, 2021

Open Heart, Open Hands

This poignant autumn season makes my heart ache.
In good ways and in hard ways.

The constant cycle of change that seems to be spinning with ever increasing speed as I grow older is such a "schooling" and endless opportunity for growth. 
And incredible beauty.

Ron's dear mom and brother came for their yearly "apple harvest".
She is incorrigible, at 90 and with her weakened "bum leg" (as she refers to it) she can't resist the fallen apples and those that are left hanging after the pickers have gone through the orchard.  She is an absolute marvel, creating buckets of dried fruit and containers of apple sauce for her kids and grandkids. She still lives on her own and manages to go downstairs to work on her many quilting projects in her spare time.

I came home from a shopping trip to find them in the yard, but since I am still trying to get my energy back, I was way too exhausted to sit out on the patio for a nice visit. 

I made it out to the Farmer's Market and found my favourite organic grape stand.  A sweet elderly man from Serbia proudly offers samples of his delicious fruit.
They are irresistibly sweet. 

My friend who has moved to Serbia with her husband came for a visit and brought me this lovely fall bouquet. 
Fall rivals all other seasons for superb colour and beauty.

It is altogether achingly beautiful.

I have more time now to gaze and behold the beauty of the Lord, in this His temple...
I would have preferred to keep mom home here where I could see to her care and love on her, but I succumb to limitations and must simply be grateful that there is a lovely place with staff and equipment to care for her better than I could here.  

After two weeks of isolation I was able to go in and spend time with her, reminding her of beautiful truth, like a family that loves her and that there are angels surrounding her.
She always likes that part. 

Fall is also a perfect time to gather around a warm fire with good people for stories and for the burning of old tax files!
Anita brought over several boxes and I found several files that were ready to disappear so we had several evenings of therapeutic burning...saying farewell to old things. 

The flames were mesmerizing and we loved poking at the glowing coals long after the flames died down, interspersing prayer with worship.

There was also an early October Baby Shower for Sue's eldest son and his wife.

Apple pies, balloons, kids books gifts galore and fun games.

Another early fall celebration for me is Daniel's birthdate.

The day was exquisite as is the gift of being a mother...

I'm so grateful that Daniel has such lovely colleagues where he works and they celebrated him well, paying homage to his limp by creating a birthday balloon "walker" to help him as he hobbles along.

He's been recuperating from a rather nasty cut he got while mountain biking at the end of September.
Patrice was over to have a birthday dinner with him and she sent me this picture of him resting with Ladybug.
Gotta keep that injury elevated after a long day at work! 

Happy Birthday to the dearest son I could have ever hoped for.
My heart is so tender towards him and always leaning into God for his wholeness, restoration, and Shalom.
Being a parent of adult kids is such a vulnerable mystery,
Holding these precious ones who once inhabited our bodies with wide open hands and wide open hearts.

This too is poignant, achingly beautiful. 
A gift.

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