Friday, April 30, 2021

Princess for an Evening

Heaven often touches earth...

Driving up to my friend's place I encountered a group of these elegant creatures.

The nearness of God is my comfort and He truly piles gift upon gift onto my small existence.
Somehow I really matter to Him.
This is the greatest gift of all.

And I matter to Leanne...
Who else would put up a princess poster for me - haha?! 
Because I was given such a massive bouquet of Lillies for my birthday I brought some to share and Leanne was delighted.

In recent years, sadly as her marriage was unravelling,  Leanne and I were able to spend much
more time together.
We often say we are 'two peas in a pod' because we think so much alike and had a very similar upbringing. 
So even though she had a difficult, exhausting week she still wanted to bless me with a delicious salmon dinner and a sweet gift. (59 Gideon bibles given in my name to honour 59 years of my life!)

The evening sun warmed us as we gave thanks and ate.
A new season springs forth - yes, we perceive it.

He is doing new things and we will not dwell on the past.
We look ahead with confidence, abiding in the One who holds all things together.

We sat looking out over the city and prayed as the sky darkened and the city lights began to sparkle.

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