Saturday, April 24, 2021

Longing Fulfilled

I didn't now how badly I was missing Daniel until he showed up for a quick real time visit.
An early birthday gift, snuck in before the restrictions got worse.
We've been talking on the phone more often than ever before, which has been wonderful, but there's nothing like a hug and being able to look into the eyes of your child.
I think I've shut down or buried some of my desires because so much of life is just what it is - not necessarily catering to one's intrinsic needs so we have protective mechanisms that we default to.

I also think I've learned to expect less and I try to be content with what is. 
And "what is" is pretty spectacular most of the time, considering how much of the rest of the world lives.

So when this longing was fulfilled I almost didn't know what to do with it!  

So I made lots of food. 
Because we always want to feed our kids - even when they are potentially better cooks than we are! 
I wanted to send Daniel home with lots of homemade soup that he could pull out of the freezer for those days when he comes home late and is tired.

We played games and had a delicious roast chicken dinner.
He went for a nice walk with his dad.

We weighed Winnie and it seems that her weight has finally stabilized at a full 15 pounds.
I had been hoping for a smaller dog but maybe it's better that she's a little bigger and sturdier so that I don't accidentally roll over her and break her! 

And we had lots of fun trying out my new wheelchair motorcycle attachment! 

I was overwhelmed with gratitude to see his beautiful face and to enjoy this gentle soul close up and personal. 

My firstborn.  
My son.

An undeserved, spectacular gift that feels more like a miracle as time goes on. 

He left on a rainy Sunday but my heart was full of sunshine. 

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