Friday, May 15, 2020


The reason Patrice came to Kelowna while she was still trying to be "Covid-Sensitive" with her housemates was to pick up her new standard poodle puppy which was arriving from Alberta.
The excitement in the air was palpable as several couples and a family hummed about waiting for the big white van containing the pups to arrive.
One by one they came forward, maintaining social distance as far as it was possible to claim their pups.

Patrice's female pup was gentle and easy going right from the get-go.
After an introduction and the paperwork was handed over the deal was sealed.

It was a match made in heaven.

Such a gentle peaceful companion for Patrice to train and enjoy.

That long snout and those gentle hazel eyes - definitely part of our tribe! 

Truthfully it smelled a bit like a barn in the car due to the long drive Willow had with her 
non-house-trained van mates!
I was ready to get her home and bathed.

The evening sky felt like an auspicious start for this momentous homecoming. 

Perfect backdrop for the homecoming photo op! 

May there be many happy years for Patrice and her new friend.

Lots of love and excitement in the air.

And then there were three!

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